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Our mission at HelloFresh is to change the way people eat forever.

As part of that mission, we work to ensure that fresh food and food security is available and accessible to anyone in their time of need.

We created LimeAid as one way to help individuals and families experiencing hardship or lack of food security. This program allows neighbors, friends, or family members to nominate loved ones in need for a chance to win six months of free HelloFresh meals. Since its inception in 2021, we have been inspired by the positive stories and outcomes, proving how relieving food insecurities can truly change a person’s life.

Take for instance the remarkable story of one 2022 LimeAid recipient, Jeff, whose journey from homelessness to thriving is due, in part, to a renewed access to consistently fresh food.

Sometimes asking for help can be hard. Sometimes someone else has to come in and help carry the weight. Sometimes, in order to get through difficult situations, it truly does take a village.

There’s no denying that the COVID-19 pandemic affected everyone, impacting many in extremely challenging ways. For Jeff, the pandemic and subsequent quarantine came right after a difficult divorce. After living and working as a stagehand in Las Vegas, Nevada, 38-year-old Jeff found himself jobless and without a home. “For over two years, he moved from one friend to another friend’s house, searching for solid ground,” said his mother, Beth. “He was literally homeless several times–a mother’s worst nightmare.”

Jeff loved to cook but there was no time, energy, kitchen, or money for that. All joy during mealtimes vanished, replaced by the stress that comes with not knowing where or when your next meal will come. When pandemic restrictions in the entertainment industry were lifted in 2022, Jeff was able to find work once again. However, his ability to eat consistent, good quality meals were still proving to be an issue. Between unreliable transit, too-short lunch breaks, and lack of a steady income, fast food became his go-to. With poor nutrition comes poor physical and mental health, and Jeff was experiencing it deeply. “He was having frequent meltdowns,” his mother said. “I was truly afraid for him, but then I discovered LimeAid.”

Beth took a chance, nominated her son for the LimeAid program–and won! Her elation didn’t end there. Jeff’s improvement was almost immediate. “After the first box, Jeff was sending me pictures and messages showing me that he was feeling stronger and healthier,” said Beth.

“Soon after the fifth box, Jeff started thinking more clearly and moved back to Ohio to be closer to his family. He was able to find a new job, get a car, and find an apartment nearby. He started his new life with the remaining HelloFresh boxes, which helped him get on his feet even faster.” As he continued to enjoy a steady stream of fresh food and good luck, she watched her son grow healthier both mentally and physically. “I’m grateful that he now has a real chance at a good and healthy life, and I credit HelloFresh for that,” she said.

Beth counts her son’s biggest milestones by HelloFresh boxes. We’re proud to see that LimeAid allows others to give and receive help towards food security when they need it most. For more information about LimeAid and our other community giving programs, head here.

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